Thursday, February 18, 2010

Not eating beef

I can talk a good line about ecology, global warming, and so on, but when it comes down to something I like to eat... it's hard. I am giving up beef, forever (within the bounds of hospitality; if someone serves me beef, I am not going to refuse it, but I am not going to eat it at restaurants, or buy it for myself to cook).

I have privately made this resolution before, without any results. I hope that making this resolution publicly will help me stick to it.


Hystery said...

It is so cool that you are giving up beef. I'm a vegan. I found that it was most difficult to give up cheese but in time, I found recipes for foods that I now enjoy so much I don't miss it anymore. I think the trick for me was to make sure that I found yummy, familiar foods to distract me from wanting the foods I couldn't have anymore.

Rudy said...

Thanks Hystery. It's an easy step to omit just one ingredient, I don't think we can face revamping our whole diet yet! But my wife has been trying bean soups on the weekends, and the boys like them (there's a little meat in them), so... baby steps...